Short of the Week

Western Bo Mathhorne

The Backwater Gospel

The Grim Reaper waits patiently as the residents of a small western outpost turn on one another in this student film from The Animation Workshop.

Western Bo Mathhorne

The Backwater Gospel

The Grim Reaper waits patiently as the residents of a small western outpost turn on one another in this student film from The Animation Workshop.
Experimental Run Wrake

The Control Master

Stock footage resource Veer teams up with found-illustration animator Run Wrake to create this bizarre world where a giganticator turns a city upside down.

The Backwater Gospel

Directed By Bo Mathhorne
Produced By The Animation Workshop
Made In Denmark

This short animation we tweeted and F’Booked yesterday, as it began to make its presence felt early in the day on Twitter . Thought about holding onto it for a feature review, but now, having been featured on Motionographer, Cartoon Brew, and /Film, we’ll just jump in to sing its praises too.

The Backwater Gospel is a gloriously original, daringly macabre animation short out of Denmark. Amazingly it’s a student-work, conceived and executed by pupils at The Animation Workshop, a renowned institution in European animation circles. The story:

As long as anyone can remember, the coming of The Undertaker has meant the coming of death. Until one day the grim promise fails and tension builds as the God fearing townsfolk of Backwater wait for someone to die.

We have been getting used to excellent student animations in recent years, most notably out of the French schools, but while most of those films are notable for their  technical mastery and precocious handle on action, The Backwater Gospel excites due to its assured vision in design, and mastery of its dark tone.

Bo Mathhorne directs a core team of 8 students, and he and Animation Lead Arthur Gil Larsen have produced, as part of their class assignment, making-of videos. They are also being very active in the various comments sections for you animators reading. So check it out, 10 minutes is worth your time for one of the most original animations I’ve seen in quite a while.

Dark Comedy Sandy Honig

Caller Number Nine!

A telemarketer with a severe anger problem accidentally calls into a radio show. He wins a radio contest and enters a standoff with the unhinged host.